PEACOCK FEATHERS – self-admiration
peacock feathers evoke a completely different symbolism in us compared to that of a simple small bird feather the peacock, well
OMAMORI – I want it
omamori tanzaku ofuda all different names for different religions, but we talk about the same thing: a dream you’re in the East, Japan mostly you really believe in a desire and are ready to do everything to get it, you are also ready to ask for
PEONY – passion
the meanings that we easily find on the web about peony speak about prosperity It’s true, for God’s sake ^_^ Peony is a flower full of petals that speak of abundance lots of petals, lots of things a lot of prosperity lots of love cause
FISH – crossing the unconscious
we are the fish that float under water we are curious and determined to begin to swim in the primordial waters of our subconscious to try to make it a little more conscious we’re the ones who start asking questions we’re the poor
SAKURA – a greater sense
used and reused in every possible way, cherry blossoms tattoos will never lose their charm but apart from being cool, why choosing a cherry blossom tattoo? what’s its meaning? there are at least two meanings, the most important ones, but also thousands of
ORIGAMI – you’re important
in the East, every origami has a precise meaning in fact, in ancient times, the paper was very difficult to find in the East, and it was considered more precious than gold having a sheet of paper was a pretty big luxury,
ENSO – as you are?
this unusual circle, is to be drawn every morning, like a journal, to go along life following the hitsuzendō: the way of the brush the Japanese way of spiritual evolution through a brush, ink and rice paper the custom has it that,
KINTSUGI – beautiful and imperfect
KINTSUGI this strange name… it took me a while to remind me that and at first I didn’t know what the hell it was, in words, but in images, yes,I did! Japan has a phenomenal pottery culture, they love it, they adore it, ceramics are
THE PATH OF BRUSH – are you ready?
in Japan the art of calligraphy is serious stuff in short, I’ve been studying calligraphy for years now, but in the west it does not have the importance it has in the east THE PATH OF BRUSH is an ancient ritual that
PATTERN – free will
I love this geometry because it speaks of free will
FOX – rebel
THE FOX is an independent wild animal what the hell, it does just fine on its own sly athletic shy brave beautiful majestic intriguing with those heart-shaped eyes, it gets everything it wants it eats grapes and steals chicken and never loses its freedom but, is it possible to tame a
EUCALYPTUS – the Phoenix
what is the meaning of eucalyptus leaves? why is it revolutionary to insert eucalyptus in your tattoo? EUCALYPTUS speaks of renaissance… it’s the phoenix of the plants eucalyptus spontaneously combusts, I’ve never understood why nature created such a weird plant it sets itself on fire
TIGER – the power
THE TIGER speaks of truth… it has a great awareness of its means, its power, and total control of its strength because it knows very well when to use it or not in tattoos we use it to represent a great strength
LOTUS FLOWER – transmutation
THE LOTUS FLOWER speaks of transformation actually, a transformation that is hard to make…because the Lotus Flower is born and grows in a pond and feeds on the slime, that disgusting thing that we all loathe, but that turns the Lotus
GEISHA – women’s emancipation
a geisha tattoo always has a strong appeal on us reminds us of the exotic east full of mysteries and wonders
SKULL – the change
the first thing you think when you see a skull is: DEATH but there is much much more hidden in the symbolism of the skull…. THE SKULL is an element linked to change yes it’s true, also death is a change and it
GINKO BILOBA – perfection, wisdom
GINKGO BILOBA is a millennial tree it comes from prehistory, born at the time of dinosaurs but contrary to them, it has survived it has survived everything, it is an immortal highlander, it is perfect it is perfect also because since then it
STONE BALANCING – the impossible
Stone balancing is an ancient and millenary art in which stones are joined on top of one another in a stunning statuary structure. It leads to the balance of contrasting forces having different weights and opposed to each other. with this